
What is Electronics Engineering? Courses, Subjects and Syllabus

Electronics engineering, Subjects, Courses, Jobs and Salary

Electronics engineering is most fastest growing branch of engineering. The electronics engineering is also called electronics and communication engineering. The electronics engineering that’s deals with electrons which is conduct in vacuum tube gas tube and semiconductor etc. the electronics is also related with the uses of electromagnetic wave and with the uses of such electronic devices as transistor, diode and various type of integrated circuits (IC). The electronics engineering is front font of most of the technology.

The electronics engineering is a creative branch that fully focuses of the development and design, installation and maintenance of system using electronics technology. The electronics engineering is the subfield of electrical engineering. We are study under the following subject under the electronics enquiring is analog electronics, microprocessor, digital electronics, circuit theory, consumer electronics, instrumentation engineering, electric power control, embedded systems, robotics, and power electronics. In communication we are study propagation of wave, signal & system, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, computer engineering.  The difference between electrical and electronics engineering, the electrical is usually deals with the heavy current that are electric bulb power system and in electronics engineering deals with low current, that are use in integrated circuit, communication, computer and wave propagation.

Project Management, matlab, circuit design, circuit Testing, C, C++ and HDL Programming Languages, Electronic Troubleshooting are the top skills of electronics engineer and the top skills of electrical engineer is Project Management, circuit design, AutoCAD, matlab, Programmable logic Control. Some are common skill in electrical and electronics engineering that are computer application, power electronics and electrical machine. Those skills increase to develop multidisciplinary knowledge in challenge facing fields.


The institute of electrical and electronics engineering is organization of electronics and electrical engineering branch. It is also focus on some other branch of engineering. These branches are computer science engineering and information technology (IT). Headquarter of institute of electrical and electronics engineering (IEEE) New York, United State. The IEEE established in 1963 with the help of American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. It is operated in 160 countries across the world and total member of IEEE 423,000

Electronics engineering types

  • Instrumentation engineering
  • Signal processing engineering
  • Telecommunication engineering
  • Control engineering
  • Electronic and communication engineering
  • Electrical and electronics engineering

Electronics engineering have many subfields. This subfield is explained below.

Signal processing – The signal processing is deals with the meaningful signal. Those are analysis and manipulation of signal. This signal either is analog or digital. The analog signal is continuous in nature and the digital signal is discrete in nature. In analysis of analog signal the processing is amplification, attenuation, modulation demodulation of communication. In digital signal processing is compression, error detection and correction.

Communication – In communication deals with transmitting and receiving the signal through guided or unguided channel. The guided channel is co-axial cable, optical fiber and wave guide. Unguided channel is line of sight via air or free space. For low signal transmission we use signal cable and for free space transmission we use high frequency carrier signal. We use modulation in free space transmission

Control engineering – The control engineering is common for electrical and electronics engineers. Application of control engineering is wide. The working area of control engineering is aviation, cars and industry automation. Basically it is based on feedback system and system response.

Computer engineering – It is deals with the design of computer and software of computer. It is usually considered a separate discipline

Instrumentation engineering – In instrumentation engineering is focus on operation of instrument and measurement monitoring and control of device.

The bachelor of technology in electronics engineering is a four year program course. You can get admission after the HSC (10+2) and a joint Entrance Examination (Main) JEE mains which is conduct by a government body “national teat agency”. The syllabus of JEE exam is focus on mathematics, physics and chemistry. If you a proper rank in JEE you can get admission in bachelor in technology.

Electronics engineering job

When complete your four program bachelor of technology in electronics engineering. You can a job in specified field like designing, maintenance and installation of electronics related system. You can also startup a business of consumer electronics like service provide and system installation and maintenance.

These are also the electronics job sector that needs an electronics engineer

  • Electronics design and development
  • Telecommunications
  • Automation secretors
  • Medical electronics
  • Defense electronic engineering
  • Broadcast
  • Aeronautical
  • Research and development
  • Nuclear engineer
  • Special effects technician
  • Sound engineer
  • Software engineer
  • Technical sales engineer
  • CAD technician

There is huge job opportunity in private and government sector for electronics engineer in ONGC, IOCL, NTPC, SAIL, BRAC and much more

Electronics engineering technician

The electronics engineering technician uses tools for maintains and install the electronics related systems. Basically it is helping the senior electronics engineer. The salary of electronics engineering technician is $65,260 per year and $31.38 per hour. The technician certificate is providing by industrial training institute. Industrial training institute is a two year program course.

Electronics engineering technician salary

The salary of electronics engineering is very attractive. You can earn $65,260- $72,232 per year as an electronics engineer. You can get high salary depend on expenses and nature of job.

Instrumentation engineering

Signal processing engineering, Subjects, Courses, Jobs and Salary

The instrumentation engineering is the branch of engineering. Instrumentation engineering is focused on principle and operation of measuring instruments and control system. They measure physical quantity. It is use indicating, measuring and recording physical quantities. In Instrumentation engineering they use direct and indirect reading method. In instrumentation engineering, the measuring instrument is compare with the reference value. In the developing phase of instrumentation engineering the engineer use a simple scale for comparing weight and simple pointer to indicate position on scales. It is the one of the brightest field of engineering. The measuring instrument are use in everywhere of engineering and other places. The goal of instrumentation engineer is in industry to improve the productivity, reliability, safety and stability.

Measurement parameters of instrumentation engineering  

  1. Voltage
  2. Inductance
  3. Capacitance
  4. Resistivity
  5. Chemical composition
  6. Chemical properties
  7. Position
  8. Vibration
  9. Weight
  10. Flow
  11. Temperature
  12. Level of liquid
  13. Density
  14. Current
  15. Pressure,
  16. Viscosity
  17. ionizing radiation
  18. Frequency

How to become an Instrumentation Engineer

After completing the HSF (10+2) and qualify the join engineering entrance examination (JEE). You have to enroll in bachelor of engineering in instrument branch. It is a four year program course. After complete the four year program course of instrumentation engineering you become an instrumentation engineer.

Scope for Instrumentation Engineers

The huge scope for instrumentation engineers in industry. You can give a service in power generating plants, instruments manufacturing companies, calibration and repair shops, programmable logic control based company.

You can also get a govt. job in instrumentation field. The govt. organization of instrumentation is ONGC, IOCL, NTPC, SAIL, BRAC and much more

Salary of graduate instrumentation engineer

Starting salary of instrumentation engineer per year is $64,906. If you have a more year experience in instrumentation field the salary will be hike. The salary is also depends upon the type of organization.

Top skills for an instrumentation engineer

  • Procedures
  • PLC
  • Hardware
  • AutoCAD
  • Instrumentation Systems
  • Creative problem solving
  • Matlab
  • Customer care skill
  • Other Skills

Best location in United States for instrumentation engineer jobs 


Current engineer job 2,140
Average salary per year $96,960
Lowest salary $63,000
Highest salary $145,000
Location Quotient: 1.01

New Mexico

Current engineer job 141
Average salary per year $101,420
Lowest salary $65,000
Highest salary $150,000
Location Quotient: 0.88

New Hampshire

Current engineer job 360
Average salary per year $90,661
Lowest salary $62,000
Highest salary $125,000
Location Quotient: 0.88


Current engineer job 480
Average salary per year $94,661
Lowest salary $63,000
Highest salary $135,000
Location Quotient: 0.88


Current engineer job 1590
Average salary per year $90,150
Lowest salary $62,000
Highest salary $125,000
Location Quotient: 1.48


Current engineer job 5515
Average salary per year $98,150
Lowest salary $64,000
Highest salary $145,000
Location Quotient: 1.59


Current engineer job 1085
Average salary per year $92,150
Lowest salary $63,000
Highest salary $135,000
Location Quotient: 1.21

District of Columbia

Current engineer job 303
Average salary per year $96,150
Lowest salary $66,000
Highest salary $135,000
Location Quotient: 1.44


Current engineer job 52
Average salary per year $91,150
Lowest salary $65,000
Highest salary $125,000
Location Quotient: 0.81


Current engineer job 993
Average salary per year $89,150
Lowest salary $62,000
Highest salary $125,000
Location Quotient: 1026

Signal Processing Engineering

Signal processing engineering, Subjects, Courses, Jobs and Salary

The signal processing engineering is the subfield of electrical engineering. In signal processing is specialized in signals processing such as sound, images. In signal processing the signal is improve for transmission and detecting the error correction on receiving signal. Basically the signal is carrying the information in term of frequency, amplitude and phase or the signal is describe how the physical quantity is change over the time and space. The signal processing is that to manipulate the signal in its characteristic or extract information. The signal is transmitted within the channel. The channel may be guided or unguided the guided medium is co-axial wire and wave guide tube and unguided medium is open air (line of sight). The transmission of signal is in air signal is forms of electromagnetic wave.  The signal is two types analog and digital. The analog signal is continuous in nature so it is also called continuous signal and the digital signal is discrete in nature.

The application of signal processing is given below

  • Audio processing
  • Video processing
  • Image processing
  • Sonar
  • Radar system
  • Biometric security
  • Speech synthesis
  • Medical

How to become a signal engineer

After completing the HSC (10+2) and qualify the JEE exam. You are eligible to enroll in four year bachelor of engineering program in electrical and electronics engineering. After completing the bachelor program you become an engineer. Signal processing is the subfield of electrical and electronics engineering.

 Signal Processing Engineer Skill

  • Mathematics,
  • C,
  • C++
  • Matlab
  • Python
  • Signal simulation
  • Digital signal processing
  • Other

Job for signal engineer

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Signal Processing Engineer
  • Communication Engineer
  • Digital Signal Processing Engineer
  • Electronic engineer
  • Radar Engineer

Salary of graduate signal processing engineer

Starting average salary of signal processing engineer per year is $60,906. If you have a more year experience in instrumentation field the salary will be $243,231. The salary is also depends upon the type of organization

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